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Дата: 26 августа 2011
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Strutt Peter,Horner David - Words at Work. Vocabulary development for Business English (Книга + Аудио)

Сейчас вы просматриваете новость Strutt Peter,Horner David - Words at Work. Vocabulary development for Business English (Книга + Аудио), данная новость входит в категорию Книги в которой вы сможете найти все по теме данного материала.

Сейчас вы сможете скачать Strutt Peter,Horner David - Words at Work. Vocabulary development for Business English (Книга + Аудио) бесплатно и без регистрации. После скачивания не забудьте оставить коментарий)

Есть возможность выбирать именно ту бизнес-сферу, которой вы интересуетесь больше всего для последующего детального изучения. Может быть использована для самостоятельного обучения.

Words at Work is a powerful resource for learners who want to expand their general Business English vocabulary. The 17 task-based units cover a range of essential topics, from Company organisation, and Business start-ups to Budget and forecasts. Investment and finance and Information systems. Beginning with an introductory unit on learning vocabulary successfully, Words at Work gives learners good ideas on techniques for increasing the number of words they remember. Learners can use the map of the book to select the area of business vocabulary of their choice, and the order in which they want to work on the units; the index also provides a way into the specific vocabulary area they want to focus on.
Words at Work is accompanied by audio material. Every unit contains at least one listening task and one pronunciation task, to give learners the opportunity to hear and practise the vocabulary as well as see it. Words at Work is completely self-contained, with an answer key, tapescripts and an index with phonetic transcriptions, and can be used by learners working on their own.

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