Сейчас вы просматриваете новость Microsoft Windows Embedded 8 Industry Pro Language Pack x86 and x64-WaLMaR!4!, данная новость входит в категорию
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Сейчас вы сможете скачать Microsoft Windows Embedded 8 Industry Pro Language Pack x86 and x64-WaLMaR!4! бесплатно и без регистрации. После скачивания не забудьте оставить коментарий)
Microsoft Windows Embedded 8 Industry Pro Language Pack x86 and x64-WaLMaRT!4!
Microsoft Windows Embedded 8 Industry Pro Language Pack x86 and x64-WaLMaRT | 3.8 GB
vERSION: mu_windows_embedded_8_industry_pro_language_
rEQUIRED: Windows 8 Embedded Industrial Pro
cRACK/sERIAL: Not needed
This product includes the following languages: Arabic
English, Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional Hong Kong, Croatian
Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew
Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish
Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Slovak
Slovenian, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian
1. Burn/mount
2. From a elevated command prompt type: lpksetup.exe to: start the language installation procedure
3. Browse for the relevant lp.cab file and select it
4. Click Next, and accept the Licence agreement
5. Enable installed language @ config screen > languages: and reboot computer
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